Budokon Fun-damentals Series, October 2024, La Glacière, Brussels
If you would like to know what this Budokon thing is about, or if you’re familiar with it but would like to review and refine some details (and practice more of it because, let’s face it, it’s empowering and fun), the Budokon Fun-damentals Series is for you.
Budokon Yoga
This physically demanding style comprises elements of Hatha Yoga, martial arts, calisthenics, animal locomotion, and introduces a number of transitions not commonly found in traditional yoga including spinal undulations, spiral transitions, and martial arts stances.
The foundation of this style is the Budokon Yoga Primary Series. This series consists of 7 intelligently assembled sections of slow and controlled movements designed to improve mobility, agility, flexibility and strength. The techniques are learned through repetition and precision, the emphasis being on the transitions from posture to posture, rather than the holding of postures. The purpose of these classes is to gain muscular strength, cardiovascular stamina, and joint mobility.
Budokon Mobility
Budokon Mobility is a synthesis of solo mobility patterns taken directly from practically applied Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques. Rather than simply being singular patterns repeated the style connects continuous solo pattens to create a movement language in and of itself.
Mobility helps you create a relationship with the floor, moving across the floor in a horizontal and quadrupedal patterns. The foundation of this movement practice is the 5 primary mobility positions, weaving them together with fluidity and control to increase joint mobility. For yogis, this can bring you a new perspective on and deepen your practice. For grapplers and martial artists… mighty hip flexion and mobility, need I say more?
Tuesday 01/10: Budokon Yoga – Warrior Stances and Transitions
Tuesday 08/10: Budokon Yoga – Spirals and Twists
Tuesday 15/10: Budokon Mobility – 5 Primary Positions
Tuesday 22/10: Budokon Mobility – Animal Locomotion
Tuesday 29/10: Budokon Yobility – Yoga + Mobility Flow
Each session will start with warm-up, then continue with technique and flow, and end with a BDK-specific cool down and relaxation.
Spots are limited to 10 dedicated people ready to take their physical and mental wellbeing to another level, while getting personalized feedback and progressing through all 5 sessions. Open to yoga people and BJJ / grappling people. Is that you?
Where? La Glacière, Rue de la Glacière 18, 1060 Brussels
When : all 5 Tuesdays of October 2024, 18h-19h
Rate : 95€ for the whole series – Early bird rate until 24 August: 80€
Questions? Another method of payment? CONTACT ME