(Version française ICI)

Official version:

Since 2010, Emmanuelle has been teaching a yoga accessible to all, no matter what your physical condition, age, gender, etc, is.  The key concepts that guide her teaching: choice, exploration, empowerment.

If you feel you don’t belong in a studio, rest assured that you do. No matter where you come from, Emmanuelle will assist you in adapting the practice for your own needs, and her classes are safe spaces.

Overtime her practice and teachings have evolved to get the physical practice of yoga out of the box of standardized movements, to blend yogic philosophy and modern functional anatomy knowledge.

Her classes are based on Vinyasa Flow Yoga (linking breath and movement, and shapes together, step by step with intention, hence the idea of ‘flow’ for a fluid practice) but also feature other movement practices such as Animal Flow®, mobility, martial arts,  and natural movement patterns.

Emma’s classes aim at building strength and mobility, while focusing on breath and mental steadiness – Emma teaches mindful movement, using poses as tools and a means to an end, not THE end. No matter your level of fitness or flexibility, whether you have done yoga before or not, Emma encourages you to adapt the practice to your needs and will offer options for everyone’s needs.

She teaches group classes, private classes and workshops, and does her best to pass on the yoga teachings in an inspirational and skillful way.

Emmanuelle is also a teacher trainer and runs the first Vinyasa Flow yoga Teacher Training in Brussels, Belgium.

Originally from France, she trained as a teacher under the tutelage of Claire Missingham in London (and became the first certified Vinyasa Flow Yoga teacher in Brussels), and has further studied and / or attended workshops with Sadie Nardini, Leslie Kaminoff, Jason Crandell, David Emerson, Cameron and Melayne Shayne, and A.G. Mohan.

Emmanuelle is currently registered with Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT 500 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, with minimum 500hr of training) and YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continued Education Provider). Her primary styles are Vinyasa Flow and Budokon Yoga. She trained as a TCTSY-F (Trauma-Center, Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator), to use yoga for trauma treatment (complex trauma, complex-PTSD.) Emmanuelle is also a certified Animal Flow® Level 1 Instructor.

Other influences and passions include Thomas Myers, Dr Who, Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory, Sonic Youth, Maurice G. Dantec, James Ellroy, Batman, animal rights, and her cats. Oh, and dark chocolate.(yes this is definitely part of the official version)

Official credentials:

    • First Certified Vinyasa Flow Yoga teacher in Brussels and Walloonia – Teacher Training with Claire Missingham in London, UK;
    • First trained Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga teacher in Belgium – several online teacher trainings with CSV founder Sadie Nardini;
    • First Trauma-Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Facilitator in Belgium / France  to teach yoga as an adjunct modality to therapy, with the Trauma Center in Boston;
    • Certified Budokon Yoga Teacher;
    • Certified Animal Flow® Level 1 Instructor;

Random stuff:

  • I am a dog person but I live with 5 cats. Go figure;
  • I practice martial arts (Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu / grappling), and am further exploring primal movements patterns and the Ido Portal method;
  • I am an indie / punk rock chick. But I love me some Eminem and Beastie Boys sometimes;
  • I am a geek. Game of Thrones and Big Bang Theory win over Sex and the City and The Young and the Restless every time;
  • I am an animal rights activist, a feminist, and LGBTQI+ ally. If you hold views that tend to oppress and discriminate any form of living being, you might learn a thing or two about union, interconnectedness and oneness – which is what yoga is about.

Class schedule HERE

Questions? Contact me!